Excuse all the grammatical errors! We are writing these very quickly as we go or very tiredly at the end of the night!
Day 1
-Met at Tanya's house
-Kelsey ran to Tanya's house to say goodbye
-Alicia had to unpack her giant suitcase into a smaller one, or look like a fool in Europe
-Alicia said a very sad goodbye to her mommy
-mr. Tikka was all hyped up in the car on the way to the airport, and traffic was pretty bad but we still made It in plenty of time
-the airport was basically empty so we went through security and everything super fast and with no incident.
- we walked thought the airport and stopped and got a snack at Frontera Grill. Tan and Al got a teeny little thing of guacamole for $8, and Maggie got a delicious sandwich for six. She won.
-we boarded the plane, Alicia expected it to be a little bigger...
- we sat in front of two little girls and their dad, so we got to put our seats back with no guilt, except that Maggie hit the dad in the head with the seat. We laughed a lot:D
-we picked out the movie Croods to watch, but Alicia's screen stopped working and had to reboot, so she just didn't watch it
- we got our meal which was actually pretty tasty and a good portion!
- The guy next to us appalled us because he threw away his cheese, water, bread, crackers, and brownie!
- at one point we were laughing so hard on the plane that we couldn't use our hands to open the cheese!
-we tried hard to sleep but it was so unfomfortable and one of the little girls started crying and kicking Alicia's seat
- we got to Dublin and walked around the very green airport
-alicia got a mocha which she was very pleased with because it was not too sweet!
- we didn't feel too tired in Dublin
-Tanya taught Mag and Al to say "hello! Thank you for picking us up!" In Dutch so we could greet her uncles! We practiced again and again and a little Dutch girl was laughing at us
- we made a couple goals for the trip
1.alicia needs to be more autonomous
2. We need to touch each other more (more like people in general to make them feel more comfortable)
-we got onto the next plane ride and really began to feel tired(having been up for close to 20 hours), we all slept for most of the way
-on the way out of the plane Alicia used her Dutch Skills to say hello to a passenger and and Maggie desperately made her stop, thinking Alicia was going to embarrass her by reciting the whole Dutch phrase to strangers
- we arrived in holland and went through customs without incident
- the guy at customs was a nice looking gentlemen who spoke to Tanya in Dutch. It was a good first experience for Alicia at customs.
- we met Tanya's uncles Gert and Gert in arrivals! They were sooo nice and appreciated Maggie and my greeting in Dutch!
- we will be saying with Gert Van Ginkel, but first we stopped at Gert Van Altena's (tanya's mom's brother's) farm
- on the way alicia was very impressed with how big the cows were here, and they thought it was very funny and had to clarify that we do have cows where we are from, right?
- the farm was soooo cute and looked like something out of a movie
- we got to pet his ponies and also feed them carrots! Usually there are horses but they were at a show. Her uncle trains prize winning horses!
- we sat on the porch and sipped delicious iced tea and enjoyed the beautiful day.
- they have a cute little dog names joop (yoop)
- Gert's wife maart showed us around her house.
- we were impressed at how little clutter there was in the house and how unique the structure was
- the farm house was build around 1900 so everything was very cool and rustic looking
-we headed to the other Gert's house where we were simply dumbfounded at how pretty everything was
- we are staying in the most amazing cabin in their back yard, which basically looks like a fairy land
-we had coffee and pie outside the cabin and just enjoyed each others company
- Gert and Maart left
- we ordered pizza which was very very floppy
-Alicia and Mag tried Gert's seafood pizza, but only had one piece
- we went to the other porch where we sat and had more coffee
Alicia cracked up when she saw the size of their typical mug, because she had gotten them a host gift with three giant mugs
-alicia and mag headed to bed, but were soon awakened by Tanya saying to get up because there is a hot air balloon right above the house!
- after that they went back to bed and slept
-Tanya stayed up longer and talked with her relatives
- now it is 2:30 in the morning here and we are all wide awake writing this and eating cookies because we are not tired because it is only 7:25pm in Chicago. We should probably go back to sleep because tomorrow we are off to Amsterdam! :)
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